Monaco Revue    Monaco hotel

At its 2009 annual general meeting on January 23, the board of the DiversityCanada Foundation (which, along with the publishing company Damascus Press, established Monaco Revue) took the decision to pare down its operations by suspending or placing on hold several of its projects and services. This difficult decision became imperative in light of deteriorating international economic conditions.

We deeply regret to announce that for Monaco Revue, this means the online magazine will no longer be updated, and plans to commence publication of the printed quarterly have been deferred indefinitely.

The DiversityCanada Foundation remains committed to its mandate of contributing to making the world a fairer place, and to establishing partnerships with other organizations to provide opportunities for persons born into situations of disadvantage to establish a brighter future for themselves. As part of this commitment, we will maintain the online version of Monaco Revue in its current form and we encourage readers to directly support those organizations which have been identified as partners for this project. These include:

AOET (AIDS Orphans Education Trust), a Uganda-based, independent,
indigenous non-governmental organization whose prime mandate is to provide formal and/or vocational education to orphans of AIDS

Mission Enfance, a Monaco-based charitable organization that acts as
"a field operator" specialized in educational help and assistance to children in need

M.A.P. (Monaco Aide et Présence), a Monaco-based charitable organization which, for the last 30 years, has worked in four continents on long-term projects which focus on education and health.

We sincerely thank our readers, contributors and partners in the business and philanthropic communities for your support of Monaco Revue and its objectives.

Celia Sankar
Editor, Monaco Revue
Executive Director, DiversityCanada Foundation